Directions for Syrian RefugeesBy Ed Talik November 20, 2015
DIRECTIONS FOR SYRIAN REFUGEES From Om elmiathin, Syria, take the M5 south to Al Makraq, Jordan. Bang a left (east) on the 10. Then head south on the 5 to Zarqua. From there, go southeast on the 30 to the Saudi Arabian border. The whole trip is like half a day (just over 200 miles). WHAT YOU WILL FIND A huge country with more riches than most countries can dream of. They also happen to practice the same religion as you. The rule of law is in effect in this absolute monarchy which practices shari'a. There is plenty of opportunity and the country is very stable. There is also an abundance of room because the government has yet to take in one refugee during this crisis...not one. This trip is quite doable. It is much safer than taking your chances on an overcrowded boat in the Mediterranean Sea or in some horrible refugee camp in Turkey. Surely the Saudi's will welcome you with open arms. After all, doesn't the Koran say something about charity and brotherly love and all that, especially for fellow Muslims? There must be a good reason you are willing to risk your lives to reach Europe and America. Is it because they don't stone you to death for adultery? Is it because they don't chop off your head for blasphemy? Is it because they don't chop off your head for speaking against the government? Or, is it something else? Are you looking for freedom? The freedom to choose your own future and work hard toward it. Is it that you want to be able to speak your mind? Do you want to strive toward bettering your community, your country, your world? Do you want to live in peace without fear of your government or others who want to suppress you? If this is what is in your heart, then come on in! You are welcome to participate in this incredible opportunity. If this is what is in your heart, we are better off for having you. JUST ONE WARNING Please be patient with us. Don't get all offended if we are suspicious and untrusting at first. You must understand that people are nervous that some of you may actually be trying to spread a radicalized form of Islam across the globe. We have heard the threats made by these radical Islamists. Threats of sneaking into our countries hidden amongst the refugees. Threats of blowing up our shops and malls, and churches. Threats of taking over the White House. Threats of installing shari'a law. Our governments have, thus far, underestimated the power and reach of this ideology. Eventually, however, a Churchill will arrive on the scene and the Chamberlain's of the world will have vanished. When this happens, on which side would you rather be? So come to the West, but leave your bombs un-made, your bullets un-chambered, and your hate un-felt. Come participate in the greatest time our world has ever known and leave behind the dead end road back to the Middle Ages. Ed Talik
About: "Former law enforcement and Ketchikan resident" Received November 16, 2015 - Published November 20, 2015
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