Glimmerings of riches in the Gravels of AMPBy David Nees November 29, 2015
In contrast, the Big Five Alaska Districts trumpeted their above-average standings. However, hypnotic whispers of fabulous educational riches sounded softly in some areas of the state; places where the educational streams yielded panfulls of AMP gold. Are these the locales where educational streams are producing? Let’s consider the data: Bristol Bay Region Naknek-50% of tested students ranked in the highest levels of English Language Arts (ELA), 47 % in Math. Chatham District Gustavus-68% proficient in ELA, 56% in Math. Copper River District Kenney Lake--59% in ELA, 50% in Math. Delta Greely Elementary-48% in ELA, 25% Math Haines District Haines Elementary-52% in ELA, 36% Math Nome School District Anvil City Elementary-50% in ELA, 37% Math Petersburg Mitkof-54% in ELA, 46% Math Skagway Skagway-62% in ELA, 62% Math Unalaska Unalaska Middle School-46% in ELA, 45% Math LAKE AND PENINSULA Tanalian-57% in ELA, 54% Math Valdez Hutchins-52% in ELA, 37% Math Wrangell Evergreen-45% in ELA, 61% Math Parents Is it time to pack your child’s bags and send them to Aunti in Naknek, Uncle in Unalaska, Cousin in Valdez? Or Is it time to stake a claim, pack a bag and move the family to these small town schools and communities, they sure could use the students. Perhaps, like Harry Potter like they will become wizards of Math, English and Reading. Perhaps, the rest of the state Superintendents can look at why those schools worked. Good job everyone working in these outlying districts; job well done. David Nees About:"David Nees is a retired ASD math teacher and former member of the Sustainable Education Task force.." Received November 25, 2015 - Published November 29, 2015
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