Vote Bob Sivertsen for Alaska HouseBy Glen Thompson November 02, 2016
Once again Ketchikan has two fine individuals seeking to represent us in Juneau. After their recent debate, it is clear they agree on many issues but there’s a major difference. Bob Sivertsen will be part of the majority from day one. He will be in the room, participating in the decisions. His opponent will not. State politics is not the same as local, it is partisan. And like it or not, the legislature is also exempt from the Open Meetings Act, so most important decisions are made behind closed doors. The budget bill is drafted by the majority. The committee chairs, who decide what bills are even considered or ever make it to the floor, are chosen by the majority. Ketchikan has benefited greatly in the past by being in the majority, as co-chairs of the powerful finance committee, among others. Bob’s opponent is an “independent” who joined the minority where he must “reach across the aisle”. He says he can still be effective from the minority. He is hoping for a “coalition” caucus to take over. I’d rather not gamble during a dire financial crisis when state income/sales taxes and the permanent fund/dividends are at stake. I have known Bob Sivertsen for over 25 years. I have worked with him in business and politics. He has earned my respect in both arenas as a sincere, reasonable and fair problem solver. As an Alaskan Native, he can also relate to tribal issues. He holds an A rating from the NRA while his opponent is a D. Glen Thompson Received November 02, 2016 - Published November 02, 2016
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