Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?By By Emo Bylund November 07, 2016
What have we become? Where are our values, our pride? Voting for Hillary Clinton means you condone corruption, secret deals, lies, and broken promises. Being a woman, I am finding that words have become meaningless but video and her e-mail seem to indicate dishonesty and worse. Voting for Hillary Clinton sets an example that all of the above is acceptable for our children and the next generation. I think not! Women are smarter than that. We reason out difficult decisions for us and our families every day. Let s not trip and make the wrong decision, the wrong vote. Donald Trump can not be bought. Yes he is the wild card, but he's our only hope to turn this country around and make it great again. Both candidates can be seen as questionable, but ask yourself, what has the last eight years got America? So how much more do you have to lose? Emo Bylund Received November 05, 2016 - Published November 07, 2016
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