RE: Response to Vote Trump by Mike HarpoldBy Elizabeth Williams November 07, 2016
Mr. Harpold you might devote equal time to Hillary Clinton’s past, and even more importantly, her current activities. Donald Trump has never held office and is not responsible for the current mess, we as a nation find ourselves in. It wasn’t Donald Trump, who through a Canadian broker, sold and transferred 20% of America’s uranium, to now Russian control, for personal gain. Nor is Trump responsible for Clinton’s decision to set up an illegal and unsecure server and use it to send classified information so that foreign governments were able to hack into the server and receive real time information on our Nations secrets. Hillary Clinton has both an honesty and integrity problem. Clinton is currently under two investigations by the FBI for her personal conduct and that of the Clinton Foundation. She is not fit to serve. I have been watching the Clintons since the 80’s and they go from one scandal to another. The Clinton’s have been very busy abroad during Hillary’s term as Secretary of State amassing their fortune at America’s expense. America and political favors are all they had to sell. You say we should join Congressman Young and Senator Murkowski to rebuild the Republican Party. I am much more interested in rebuilding and strengthening our Nation and they are part of the problem. Young and Murkowski are definitely creatures of the swamp that is Washington D. C. I personally have not voted for Don Young since he was involved in the Post Office scandal. And we voted out Ms. Murkowski in her primary in her last run for office. Ms. Murkowski has been very busy these last few years paying back the people who financed her write in campaign with legislature in their favor, passed as riders to other bills, not stand alone bills. They couldn’t pass on their own merit. You and your party are welcome to both of them. And last but not least should Hillary appoint her liberal judges to the Supreme Court, which are lifetime appointments, we will soon not be able to recognize the tatters that remain of our Constitution, that wonderful document that has guided this Nation for 200 years. Trump has a positive plan and vision for America and he will not need to make decisions on the basis of who he owes a favor. Liz Williams
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