Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
American Flag
By A. M. Johnson
November 14, 2017
Tuesday PM
Editor Sitnews
What was the more most exciting and memorable vision for this American citizen on Veterans Day? Without a doubt it was the number of young members of our society running, walking with large American flags on the edge of North Tongass highway. What a thrill to meet these young folks proudly holding the flag, waving it in response to the horn honking, the smiles and cheerful waves they offered to passing motorist, I among them.
Thoughts of young thugs demonstrating anarchy marching in obvious unabashed disrespect for the National flag, our National history even with bumps and pimples, which in the main reflecting the good of the human soul, are displaced in an instant with the viewing of one single upright, proudly carrier of the Flag of the United States of America on the day we honor those who have stepped up to defend the rights of all including those ill mannered display.
To those young folks walking and carrying the flag, a huge thank you in the name of our military past and present - those who gave the ultimate gift of freedom, you each and every one, are a shining example of the future.
A. M. Johnson
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: "What day is it?" Asked Pooh
"It's to day" squeaked Piglet
"My favorite day" said Pooh
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received November 12, 2017
- Published November 14, 2017
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