![]() Forest Service Restarts 45 day objection period to Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project
November 17, 2018
The Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project draft Record of Decision proposes to authorize (on the Thorne Bay and Craig Ranger Districts, Tongass National Forest) a wide array of site-specific activities and management strategies including:
There would be no commercial harvest of old-growth stands in the area “North of 20 Road” and within VCU 5280. The Selected Alternative also includes measures to minimize impacts to or improve wildlife habitat on National Forest System lands adjacent to communities to benefit subsistence users. Objections will be accepted only from those who previously submitted timely, specific, written comments regarding the proposed project either during scoping or other designated opportunities for public comment in accordance with 36 CFR 218.5(a). Issues raised in objections must be based on previously submitted, timely, specific, written comments regarding the proposed project, unless based on new information arising after designated public comment opportunities. The Responsible Official for this project is M. Earl Stewart, Forest Supervisor. This proposed project is subject to a pre- decisional administrative review (objection). The FEIS and draft ROD documents, with their associated appendices, are available for public review prior to the final decision. All documents are available online at http://www.fs.usda.gov/goto/tongass/powlla.
If you would like to comment during this restarted 45 day objection comment period, email your written objections must be emailed to objections-alaska-regional-office@fs.fed.us
Editing by Mary Kauffman, SitNews
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