HOLD YOUR NOSE AND VOTE FOR BEGICHBy David G HangerNovember 02, 2018
Hold your nose, if indeed you find it necessary, and vote for Begich. Mark Begich is a bore, an incredibly unimaginative individual who throughout his life has coat-tailed on his father’s limited and tragic career. I have heard and seen nothing from him in the way of original thought. So far as I can tell he is a toad inclined to do as little as possible. Mike “Days of Misery” Dunleavy by contrast is a real piece of work. He will slash everything government does, or jack the price sky high, the instant he takes office. “Days of Misery” Dunleavy will not bring you just days of misery; he will bring you decades of misery with the damage he proposes to do. This pug likes to think himself an extremist ideologue come to tear everyone a new one, but in fact he is nothing more than an oil company lackey. If the oil companies like him, you don’t; it is that simple. Stay away from the oilmen’s tar baby, “Days of Misery” Dunleavy, and vote for Begich. Tragic though it may be, a toad is a safer bet than an oil-coated weasel with torch in hand ready to be lit with Medicaid and everything else that helps the little people first to be torched. Vote toad. Vote Begich. David G Hanger
Editor's Note:
Received October 25, 2018 - Published November 02, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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