A CARAVAN OF FOOLSBy David G HangerNovember 02, 2018
Even were it true that their ranks are filled with terrorists, rapists, and members of MS13 (in fact an absolute lie on Trump’s part) it would not matter because our southern border is not at all threatened. Thousands are processed in or out in any given month; nothing new; been going on now for more than 150 years. Too many of you out there want to ignore the reality that they got here first, and in the course of taking five states worth of property from them we did not in all instances deprive them of their private property, and only rarely deprived them of their lives. (They had guns, too.) To this very day the economies of all of these states, and numerous other states as well, are substantially based on the low wages paid to illegal migrant, i.e. “wetback” labor. That the pigs who howl loudest are the pigs who benefit most from this arrangement may seem contradictory at first glance, but in fact this cheat is crafty, for it forces “wetback” labor even further into the woodwork (so to speak) thereby empowering the pig to greater exploitation by reducing “wetback” wages even further. It is a really good deal for the pigs going both ways. They bag big bucks on the front end, and score maximum “gooney bird” points on the back end by acting self-righteous for the benefit of all the dummies out there who have sopped up their fascist kool-aid. The greatest complexity in building a wall on our southern border, by the way, is the fact that two-thirds to three-fourths of all the construction workers in the Southwest are undocumented. FEAR OF FEARS!!! We are about to be invaded by a bunch of Hondurans in colorful T-shirts. Call out the Army, the Navy, and the National Guard in maximum force. Don’t bother with the Marines; they are laughing too hard, at you. Right now this so-called “Caravan” is about a thousand miles from the U.S. border. It is comprised of men, women, and children. They are walking, occasionally riding, and as a group can only travel ten to 20 miles a day unless bused. Each day on average they will need to consume three pounds of food and a half-gallon to a gallon of water per individual. Times 7000 that is 21,000 pounds of food a day, more than ten tons, plus another seven to eight tons a day of water. So 20 tons of basic provisions per day are required to keep this “Caravan” on the march. That, of course, means they will also produce 20 tons of human waste per day, and not yet accounted for are diapers, toilet paper, soaps, shoes, etc. which just adds to the tonnage. From here the math is straightforward and simple. At ten miles a day it will take 100 days for this “Caravan” to reach our southern border, 2000 tons of basic provisions and 2000 tons of human waste. If you cut the number in half or by thirds, you are still talking about hundreds of tons in and out without which nothing can happen. I do not believe such an amorphous group can maintain cohesion that long; that requires organizational skills they do not likely possess. And it is a misery to walk/ride a thousand miles. It is certainly possible that local Mexican citizens for their own reasons might be accommodating and encouraging, but if so, I would expect that any large group showing up on our border would be Mexican citizens, or Hondurans transported there by Mexican citizens who do not want to endure supporting the “Caravan” to the extent of 20 tons a day even at harvest time. The only “Caravan” any of you need worry about is the “Caravan of Fools” who heed the tripe of Hannity and Trump, and if you are a member of that “Caravan” you do indeed have something to worry about, but what you fear you will in fact find in your bathroom mirror.
David G Hanger
Editor's Note:
Received October 25, 2018 - Published November 02, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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