The People’s Representative: Dan OrtizBy Evan WickNovember 02, 2018
The last four years Rep. Ortiz has worked hard in our state legislature to be the representative that Southern Southeast Alaska needs. He has consistently worked hard to keep you and me, his constituents, up to date on issues, proposals and deals that face our state and region. Few elected officials have put forth the effort that Rep. Ortiz has in communicating and meeting with members from his district and hearing all ideas that citizens have. Over the past few years, Rep. Ortiz has not gotten bogged down in the typical legislative atmosphere of party politics and unfair games. This behavior, unlike that of most politicians has allowed Rep. Ortiz to develop relationships, build trust and bring positive changes to District 36. My experiences with Rep. Ortiz allows me to testify that he is someone who will focus on issues, his constituents and the idea of not toeing a party line or voting one way or another to stay in a party’s good standing. Rep. Ortiz is the only candidate running in District 36 that will not put a political party before his district needs. Evan Wick
Editor's Note:
Received October 26, 2018 - Published November 02, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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