Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Alan Bailey
November 05, 2018
Monday PM
The following statement is a personal opinion and does not represent other persons or organizations. Having worked in the Criminal Justice System for 30 plus years and now serving a third term as an elected official, I have come to the conclusion there are three basic questions to government spending: How much does it cost?; Who is paying for it?; and, How much does it cost to maintain? Senator Dunleavy is restoring public trust in controlling government spending. Expanding government is not growing Alaska s economy or developing industries that create jobs for our children s future. The tax and spend policies of the past is simply not sustainable or affordable. Someone pays the bill and that is usually you and me. Senator Dunleavy understands the importance of responsible spending and is advocating for efficiencies. About time! Personally I am not in favor of an income tax to pay for more government jobs, Senator Dunleavy is advocating responsible development of our vast timber, mining, fisheries, and mariculture resources, actually creating industries. This kind of leadership is long overdue and instills confidence in Alaska s ability to compete in private business.
All of this is for not if we do not trust the laws of our state to ensure our safety from those with criminal purpose. Ask yourself why is the Public Safety Employees Union endorsing Senator Dunleavy. Does anyone recall what happen in Anchorage under a different administration? Mike Dunleavy is a person of integrity that is committed to restoring public trust in our ability to enforce effective laws. Making a difference isn t easy but Mike Dunleavy is the candidate that the people who keep us safe believe in. That means something.
Whomever you vote for - please vote. I am voting for Mike Dunleavy because I believe he will make a positive difference in our lives and the state which we love - Alaska.
Alan Bailey
Ketchikan, Alaska
About: 30 plus year Criminal Justice Career and currently serving as a three term elected Borough Assembly Member
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received November 02, 2018
- Published November 05, 2018
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