The Lone IndependentBy Austin OtosNovember 09, 2018
Our brand of independence is an anomaly distinctly found amongst the residents who inhabit southeast Alaska. Being geographically isolated to islands and limited in resources, residents of southeast must work creatively together in order to accomplish community goals. I truly believe that partisan politics and blind party affiliation disrupts representation, siphoning individuals into two polarized groups. Political parties sacrifice principle and integrity for self-preservation of the inclusive two party system. We have to look no further than the founding fathers Madison and Washington who warned society about the factiousness tendencies of parties and their degrading influence on the political body. True independence is working across party platforms to enact legislation beneficial to the communities they represent. A thriving fishing industry, improving marine transportation, and growing jobs shouldn’t be a political game to score cheap points for a particular party. My challenge to party purists is, why limit yourself to a set of talking points and confine your thinking into a neat political box? Going forward, one party will dominate the Alaska state congress, but the lone independent from District 36 will look beyond party affiliation to represent the people. Austin Otos
Editor's Note:
Received November 09, 2018 - Published November 09, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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