Proposed Distillery at The Old FirehouseBy Shauna LeeNovember 09, 2018
As a business person I have learned over the years that I am more successful when I reach out to other local businesses and organizations. Working with my fellow colleagues rather than against them, has been a recipe for success. I want to help other companies become successful because when their boat rises, I get to ride the same high tide. That is why I want to encourage the City of Ketchikan to support the proposed distillery at the old Ketchikan Fire Department location. The old firehouse is currently defunct (some say haunted!), in disrepair and needs some serious TLC. That takes money and money comes from business and a new, exciting business is what they are offering. It’s a concept that has the potential to provide partnership to many organizations, including my own, and to create an exciting destination area for tourists, pulling them up and away from the congested docks. It would be equally attractive to locals, creating a fun location to start or end an evening out. It would bring more foot traffic to neighboring venues, more opportunities to keep our dollars local and the bottom line, more tax revenue to support our town. Give them the keys, let them do the work that needs to be done to make it a viable enterprise and wait for the money to flow into the city coffers. If they have the financial ability and the willingness to fix that place up, let them! Let them breathe new life into this amazing building that has been of great service to our community. It deserves to be given a second chance and unfortunately, the cost of repair is probably not one the city can afford with so many other priorities on the table. These entrepreneurs deserve a shot because, simply put, we need more businesses to create more revenue, so we can all ride the high tide towards success. Shauna Lee
Editor's Note:
Received November 08, 2018 - Published November 09, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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