Open Letter to PeaceHealth CEO, Liz DunneBy Tim LivingstonNovember 20, 2018
How on earth can an organization whose mission is "promoting personal and community health (and) relieving pain and suffering" promote an event that encourages people to "come and bend an elbow?" It is hard to believe that there was a recent community event in this same Plaza that profiled brave young people testifying how they have fought to overcome their alcohol and drug addictions. This community, like many others in Alaska, continues to have extensive issues with alcoholism, drug abuse, and subsequent homelessness. I see the effects of alcoholism just about every day in this small town. I have even had friends locally die of the disease despite my efforts to help them. For a hospital to promote such an event as this gives the perception that those in the medical community not only encourage the illness, but they also stand ready to provide and charge for the care. I wrote to the PeaceHealth CEO a number of weeks ago, but apparently she is too busy or is accepting of supporting community events such as this that sell or otherwise provide alcohol because she has not responded to my appeal. Perhaps additional letters will encourage her to do the right thing. Her profile states that she “is committed to our legacy of enabling the well-being of communities.” I hope that is true. Her name and email address is Liz Dunne, ldunne@peacehealth.org. It is one thing to enjoy beer responsibly. However, it is something completely different when a local hospital encourages people to do it, to ‘come and bend an elbow.’ Ms. Dunne, please consider removing these and any future flyers that encourage alcohol consumption from any and every office and event associated with your hospital. This community, and especially the large number of young people that comprise it, needs solutions and support to combating alcoholism, not more events that may encourage it. Thank you, Tim Livingston
Editor's Note:
Received November 20, 2018 - Published November 20, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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