Blundering Untrustworthy PresidentBy Donald Moskowitz
November 02, 2019
Syrian Kurds have been loyal allies of U.S. armed forces since 2015 when they helped to clear ISIS from Syria at a significant cost to themselves. The Turkish invasion and displacement of the Kurds has allowed some ISIS prisoners to escape from prisons guarded by the Kurds, and it appears ISIS could make a comeback in Syria. Trump's desertion of the Kurds led to the signing of a defense pact between the Kurds and President Assad of Syria. Now Syrian, Iranian and Russian military forces occupy northern Syria. Trump abandoned the Kurds thereby creating additional instability in the Middle East, and he enhanced Syrian and Russian status in the region. Other U.S. allies around the world are questioning the trustworthiness of the U.S. under Trump, who twitters uninformed and irrational foreign policy based on his lack of knowledge. Trump threatens our national security by creating problems in the world which have far reaching long term adverse implications. Donald Moskowitz
Editor's Note:
Received November 01, 2019 - Published November 02, 2019 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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