Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions
Second Amendment
By A.M. (Al) Johnson
November 29, 2019
Friday PM
Often in the public square various opinions regarding the Second Amendment is the topic of discussion. Pro or con, the language used by either side reflects opinion often given without any real knowledge, history, or fact.
To this discussion I would offer the following interpretation to which I have a profound belief reflects the true purpose of the Second Amendment as it relates to the intent.
"The 2nd Amendment does not apply to the semi-auto rifles, nor does it apply to bolt action rifles, pistols, or revolvers. The 2nd Amendment RESTRICTS GOVERNMENT.
The technology of the firearm is irrelevant. The restrictions on government remain the same, regardless of the firearm. The Second Amendment was not written to grant permission for citizens to own and bear firearms. It forbids government interference IN THE RIGHT to keep and bear arms, period.The right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall NOT be infringed." Author unknown
Thank you- A.M.(Al) Johnson.
PS: Were it that the Constitution was taught at every grade level throughout a student's career in K-12
Ketchikan, Alaska
Editor's Note:
The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.
Received November 29, 2019
- Published November 29, 2019
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