Counting VotesBy Robert B. Holston
November 30, 2020
Apple announces: “Trump’s efforts to subvert the election are damaging to democracy, experts in the field say.” “Trump undercuts American democracy as he clings to power”,says Harvard Law Today. “Our adversaries benefit from a weakening of American democracy, and surely cheer Donald Trump’s effort to undermine its central institution: free and fair elections,” said Stephen Biddle, professor of international and public affairs at Columbia University and reported by CNBC. Apple? Harvard? Columbia? NPR? Sounds like liberal think-tanks to me. Source after source will shed the same “light” on the 2020 presidential election with the average U.S. inhabitant left with the only option of swallowing this rhetoric pill or searching for the truth. If you line up all the 100’s of sources who decry Trump’s legal efforts to examine the 2020 results, you most likely have a list of those who pushed the Russian collusion hoax for four years. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN HISTORY (for many states) MILLIONS OF BALOTS WERE MAILED OUT. Some basic questions should be asked: How many ballots were mailed to residents who were - NOT CITIZENS? NOT ALIVE? NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE? and how many ballots were returned that: HAD NO VALID SIGNATURE? ARRIVED AFTER THE DUE DATE? DID NOT MATCH WITH REGISTERED VOTERS? It seems that the validity of the election boils down to the dependability of the process. Counting is not complicated and should be straight forward. The U.S. Census Bureau has been “counting” routinely almost since the inception of our republic. This year I was hired as a Census enumerator ONLY calling on households that had NOT responded to extensive efforts to collect basic household data via mail-in or online responses. Because of COVID, Census enumerators were not sent to the field until 3+ months AFTER Census counting had begun, April 1, 2020. The Census Bureau is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, a government agency that should have their act together? right? WRONG! I was in the field 7 days a week, week after week and called on 100’s of households who were on the list of NON-Responders. At least 85% of the households I called upon reported that they HAD responded. We were using U.S. Census issued “smart phones” with a special Census App loaded to do interviews. This information was uploaded several times each day and the following AM we would receive a new list from CENSUS central. Several times I was directed back to the same address I had completed days or weeks earlier. Several times I interviewed households that had been interviewed previously by other enumerators. In some cases I was the THIRD enumerator to complete an interview. IF the U.S. Census Bureau can have these kind of “counting” problems it begs the question of comparison to the ability of states to count votes. Trump’s questioning the aspects of counting ALL legal votes should be seen as an effort to identify any problems in the process and to correct procedures that allow every and only legal votes to be counted. Isn’t that what we all want? Robert B. Holston
About: Editor's Note:
Received November 29, 2020 - Published November 30, 2020 Related Viewpoint:
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