From Candidate Bynum’s WifeBy Carolyn Henry
November 05, 2022
I am a 15-year Ketchikan resident, healthcare professional, community volunteer, and the wife of Candidate Jeremy Bynum. No matter the outcome, on the evening of November 8th, Jeremy and I will go to bed feeling very proud and grateful at the end of his campaign. Jeremy entered the House District 1 race on June 1, just slightly over 5 months ago. In that very short amount of time, we are extremely honored by the excitement and support we have garnered in a race against a 4-term incumbent. For those that have been behind us, please know that we will be forever grateful and humbled by your support. We have also run a campaign fueled by truly grass-roots efforts and local, grass-roots contributions and volunteers. We do not have any fancy campaign management, financial firms, or campaign advisors on board. We are the ones managing and filing our own financial disclosures, creating ads, scheduling and coordinating events and travel, addressing mailings, getting out signs, responding to inquiries… you name it! Jeremy and I have also continued to work our demanding, full-time jobs throughout campaigning. Jobs that mean getting up in the middle of the night and rushing down to the powerplant to ensure power is restored to our community as soon as possible; or dropping everything to set-up and lead a survey command center to ensure our hospital caregivers have the support they need to navigate an unannounced accreditation survey. Yes, both things occurred during the height of campaigning. I say these things to demonstrate our commitment to our communities and our dedication to put community first- something we both truly believe in and demonstrate throughout our careers and life. And we will continue to do so by doing what we can, with what we have, right here, right now. Our District truly has the potential to lead our state - we are resource and idea rich, and we can put ourselves on the map and lead the way in Alaska to energy independence, economic development, and thriving communities. Jeremy has the voice, passion, fight, and vision to get us there! Please join me in voting on November 8th, vote for Bynum. Thank you, Carolyn Henry
About: Editor's Note:
Received November 03, 2022 - Published November 05, 2022 Related Viewpoint:
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