Sitnews - Stories In The News - Ketchikan, Alaska - Opinions



Rowing the Inside Passage
by Dale McKinnon


December 30, 2004

On July 9, Sitnews ran a story on my row from Ketchikan to Bellingham. I want to thank you for the exposure as it helped to raise additional funds for NWYS. Northwest Youth Services will be sending out thank you's to all the organizations and individuals that helped to make the Row a success for programs at NWYS. 
When people ask if anything broke or was lost during the Row, I tell them only "my cynicism."   I have heaps of gratitude and respect for the people of S.E. Alaska... and in the beginning stages of writing the book about the row south one thing is abundantly clear. Without help from SE Alaskans, the Row simply would not have happened. That is not an idle or gratuitous statement. (However, details will be revealed when the book comes out.)
In addition to thanking you, I also wanted to let you know that I will be back in Ketchikan next June to complete the Row of the Inside Passage (again raising funds for NWYS). Only this time I will be going north to Skagway... and possibly Sitka... but definitely Skagway. It will be a much shorter trip, although cooler as I will be getting as close to the glaciers as I can.
My best wishes to you and further success of SitNews for 2005. Hope to see you, again, in June.
Dale McKinnon
Fairhaven, WA - USA


Related story:

An Extraordinary Woman, An Extraordinary Adventure; From Ketchikan To Fairhaven, An 800-Mile Journey...
SitNews - July 09, 2004



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Ketchikan, Alaska