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Blue Heron Causes Power Outage
by Dick Kauffman


December 28, 2004

Ketchikan, Alaska - According to Ketchikan Public Utilities (KPU) Electric Division Manager Jay Hansen, the power outage that occurred at approximately 6:30 am Sunday was caused by a Blue Heron, that unfortunately for the bird and KPU customers, flew into the system switch gear at the Ketchikan substation near the ball field.

Service was interrupted from the Bailey's Power Plant on the north end of the city of Ketchikan to the end of South Tongass Highway. Hansen said power was restored to some areas by 7:00 am and restored to the remaining areas by 7:45 am.

KPU customers north of Bailey's Power Plant to the end of North Tongass Highway did not lose power.

The Blue Heron suffered fatal injuries from its encounter with the system switch gear. Hanson said the Blue Heron's body was turned over to the Department of Natural Resources.











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Ketchikan, Alaska