SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



A Ketchikan 'Auld Lange Syne'
By Colleen Scanlon


December 30, 2005

Thank you June for your lovely article. It was especially great to see the pictures of Tongass Towers and the Marine View (formally Wingren Court which my grandfather Paul Wingren built) except I do believe that the building in the lower right of the picture is Wingren Courts not Tongass Towers.

Your detailed account of your arrival in Ketchikan had me chuckling right down to you hanging out the window to have that cigarette!! I could just picture it. I always so enjoy your articles and am so glad that Sitnews provides a forum for you to keep involved in the community. We miss you here in rainy Ketchikan!!!

Colleen Scanlon
Ketchikan, AK - USA

(Received 12/29/05 - Published 12/30/05)

About: Colleen Scanlon is a 38 year resident of Ketchikan.


Related Column:

A Ketchikan 'Auld Lange Syne' By JUNE ALLEN - The familiar strains of that New Year's anthem play over and over again in my mind as I think of the new year, brand new 2006, fast approaching. The lyrics of Auld Lane Syne simply remind listeners not to forget old friends and places. I myself don't need reminders to remember good old Ketchikan and all my old friends as I sit here at the computer keyboard in far away Palmer, Alaska. I could never, ever forget Ketchikan or that first impression of Ketchikan that awaited me when I arrived! It was a long time ago. - More...
Thursday - December 29, 2005

Please note that the webmaster provided the photograph cutlines.



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska