SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



First Place Winner
By Darlene Guzman


December 30, 2005

Although I appreciate all the attention I received on the Christmas Light contest, it was Diane Guzman who did all the hard work and made her home a spectacular sight for all to see. Because we have the same last name we are constantly getting our first names confused by many.

jpg Christmas Lights

Diane Guzman again won First Place in AARP's Christmas Lights Contest.
Photo by Carl Thompson

I just want to say, "Good Job" on your house Diane, it truly looked beautiful and you deserved to take first place. I'm sorry I was mistakenly given credit in a local article. It's not like they don't know both of us too.

Darlene Guzman
Ketchikan, AK - USA

Received 12/28/05 - Published 12/30/05

About: Darlene Guzman has worked for Ketchikan Fire Department dispatch division for 22 years.




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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska