SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


The State Jet
By June Allen


December 14, 2006

I'm surprised at the fuss and feathers over the airplane dubbed "the State Jet." The downright silly negative reaction to the airplane is so blatantly and specifically "anti-Murkowski political" that it's probably a good idea to sell the damned thing just to shut the critics up. Yes, flying coach on Alaska Airlines was good enough for our first and beloved Gov. Bill Egan. But Egan began his term as governor almost half a century ago! Times have drastically changed. This present flap is like saying that typewriters are good enough, so why computers?

I hope Gov. Palin gets rid of the old and shops for a new jet of some kind so that she can make herself available to those of us who may live time zones away from Juneau.

June Allen
Palmer AK

About: "Longtime Alaska resident, former Ketchikan resident."


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Ketchikan, Alaska