SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Form your own opinion of residential sprinklers
By Kevin Murphy


December 17, 2007
Monday AM

Isn't America great? Everyone can freely voice their opinion on any subject they choose. By having the freedom of choice we can either agree or disagree with those opinions.

I choose to disagree with Mr. Rauwolf's opinion on Home Sprinkler Systems. I won't waste anyone's time rebutting his position, for his opinion is his own. For those wanting to learn more about residential sprinklers systems, check out this informative website, and form your own opinion.

From recent research, I've learned that there are now more than 200 municipalities in this country currently requiring residential sprinkler systems in new construction. Cost runs between 1-2% in new construction. Accidental discharge rate is 1 in 16 million. There are now residential sprinkler systems that utilize regular cold water supply lines to feed the sprinkler heads, reducing the need for a seperate water supply system and thereby reducing costs.

Contact your local or state division of fire prevention for more information.

Kevin Murphy
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Retired Firefighter/Fire Marshal "

Received December 11, 2007 - Published December 17, 2007



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska