SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Funding Turf Soccer Fields for the record
By Kay Jones


December 19, 2007
Wednesday AM

For the record and in response to Mr. Johnson, KYSL has tried for years to obtain the funding for a turf field. Because KYSL does not own the fields they are not eligible to apply for several grants that United States Soccer Federation (USSF) offers. They have tried several corporate sponsors and once again the roadblock has been that they do not own the fields, nor do they have a long-term user right lease in place with the borough.

Five years ago Steve Beattie (KYSL president at the time) and I went to the borough staff with the USSF grant proposal. We offered to do all the work, if the borough staff would submit the grant in their name. We were basically told a turf field was too much work and that the borough was not interested in a grant of this kind. We were also told that the borough was not interested in a developing a program where we could lease the fields on a long-term basis, so KYSL would be eligible to apply for the grant on their own. We left very frustrated and very disheartened.

As the Executive Director for Alaska Youth Soccer, I have attended several grant funding seminars at national conventions to benefit soccer across Alaska. I travel all over the state and I know the fields in almost every community. Believe me, Ketchikan has the poorest playing condition. It is sad my hands are tied in my own backyard.

KYSL is willing to do what is necessary to get a better playing field, but raffle sales aren't going to bring in the kind of money needed.

And as a reminder, this is not just a soccer field as people keep indicating, it is a soccer, football and field event field!

By the way, the Kayhi Kings did defeat Juneau on our home gravel field in 2003.

Kay Jones
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Executive Director for Alaska Youth Soccer and Kayhi Lady Kings Soccer Co-Coach (8 years)."

Received December 17, 2007 - Published December 19, 2007


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska