SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Gas Prices
By Cathy Geer


December 05, 2008

I have three points: (1) Sarah Palin can stop the price gouging! She can make it state law to stop or prevent price gouging. Florida's Governor did so after all the price gouging of Hurricane Andrew in 1989. We have not had a natural disaster, but the law would prevent gouging. There is a price gouging law in Louisiana and Texas after checking state gas prices. Why not in Alaska?

(2) How is NOT driving going to lower the gas prices? According to the article in the Ketchikan Daily News, we have to use up the high priced gas in order to make room for the cheaper gas. Drive MORE. By the time summer comes, they will go back up again anyway. Oh, and by the way, concerning our summer visitors who are bused to various attractions... busses use DIESEL! Not regular gas.

(3) Gas at Last Change Gas station (by the carwash going south) is $3.39 a gallon for regular....Do they have a different source for gasoline than Safeway or Chevron or Ward Cove who all have it for $3.75? Did the daily news publish the picture of the gas station in Wrangell with much higher gas prices than us, to make us feel better and to let us know things could be worse? Or that we could be ripped off more in Wrangell than we are in Ketchikan?

Just wanted to pass that along.

Cathy Geer
Ketchikan, AK

Received December 04, 2008 - Published December 05, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska