SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


RE: Dog Park
By Chris Barry


December 23, 2009

Mr. Reed, it is nice to have a confirmation that there are some responsible pet owners in Ketchikan that have a desire to let their pets run loose without bothering others. I love being around dogs, and I've always enjoyed having dogs (currently I don't have one). I would support having a pet designated area such as a dog park for multiple reasons that I am sure many locals will agree with.

The first reason is as you stated, so that our pets can run and play without getting the owners/caregivers in trouble.

The second, and one of equal, if not greater importance, is to keep the other parks in the city free of pet feces. It is hard enough as a parent of two small children to keep the children out of trouble, but when I also have to continually be on feces lookout. . .well, I am sure you get my drift. It bothers me that some owners think it is not their duty to clean up after their pets, but rather to leave the droppings behind for children (and adults) to step in. Even when I had my last dog, it bothered me that I had to struggle to keep my dog out of other dogs' feces.

Third, and last for now, is I tire of taking my children to a park that is clearly posted with signs reminding pet owners of the requirement for animals to be leashed at all times, and yet I have to sheild my small children from random dogs that are running up to play with them. Now I remind you, I like dogs, and assume that the dog running loose is a friendly dog, but my children do not think that at all. All they know is a big dog is running directly at them.

I hope that someday all pet owners will become law abiding citizens. It's not that difficult. Maybe, if enough people do speak up, some of the head-tax money could be used for a pet park, or at least the community and local government can find a way to build one, or convert one of the existing parks(not sure which, if any could be used) into one.

Chris Barry
Ketchikan, AK


Received December 18, 2009 - Published December 23, 2009


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska