![]() December 30, 2009
The IFA ferry will depart Ketchikan at 11:30am, arriving Metlakatla at 2:00pm (Metlakatla time), and depart Metlakatla at 2:30pm (Metlakatla time), arriving Ketchikan at 3:00pm. Fares charged by the IFA will be the same as published for the M/V Lituya, including free transportation for the driver of a vehicle, effective January through April. Full restaurant service will be available aboard the M/V Prince of Wales. The Inter-Island Ferry Authority has also announced that the driver of a vehicle traveling on the Ketchikan-Hollis and Ketchikan-Metlakatla routes will not be charged the passenger fare, on all sailings between January 1 and April 30, 2010. Advance passenger and vehicle
reservations are recommended on the Ketchikan-Hollis route, stated
IFA general manager Bruce Jones. Reservations are not necessary
on the Ketchikan-Metlakatla service, he said.
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