SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Dale O'Neal


December 27, 2010

Time once again for your annual new year's resolutions. Typical resolutions include weight loss, quitting tobacco, or maybe more time with family. Honorable goals all, but why not aim a bit higher for this next year?

Our primary purpose in this life is to have a relationship with God. Let's begin right now on our relationship with God for the upcoming year. Consider these resolutions:

Worship God: Before you make any major decisions this next year, think how your decision will show reverence for God.

Sacrifice for God: Pledge to tithe to your local church. Your home church where you worship. Your home church, where you turn to in times of trouble.

Grow in a direction that honors God: Commit to spend regular time reading the Bible. Begin with the first four books of the New Testament, known as the Gospels. The Good News. Then read the rest of the New Testament.

Grow in Wisdom: The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord. Fear God. Show Him the respect He deserves. Know that we will answer for all of our actions, all of our thoughts.

Thank God: Give thanks in all things. Give thanks even in times of trouble. Give thanks before each meal. Give thanks with each sunrise. Give thanks for each breath.

Focus on God: Live to impress God, not men. When making decisions, be above impressing your friends, your neighbors. Impress God with your decisions, your actions, your words.

Draw Close to God: Seek Him first. Seek Him before wealth, fame, or power. Know that seeking these things interfere with your relationship with God.

Invest in God: Look at last year's checkbook. How much did you invest in Godly objectives? Invest your resources to lay up treasures in heaven, not on earth. Sponsor a local missionary. Help the needy. Look for opportunities to help in your community. Reach out.

Please God: We are commanded to witness for Lord Jesus Christ. If you are a Christian, a person who believes that Jesus is the Son of God and that He rose from the grave, then you have a Biblical duty to witness to non-believers. Accept the great commission with joy and reverence. Prepare now so that you can give your testimony when the opportunity arises. Be on the lookout for opportunities to witness.

Obey God: Show kindness and respect to all people. Forgive those who may have wronged you. Reconcile your broken relationships. Accept responsibility for your actions, and call your neighbor and apologize.

Affirm God: Write a thank you note to your pastor. Thank him for his dedication and service to both God and to the community. Write a thank you note to every person on the church staff. Show true and sincere appreciation.

Love God: Show your love by loving those around you.

Recognize God: Bow your head and pray as you give thanks at the local café. Carry your Bible to many places, not just to church. Remember, the Bible warns us that if we are ashamed of Jesus, then Jesus will be ashamed of us when we stand before God.

Serve God: Ask your pastor how you can help at church. Realize that church is not a spectator sport. You have to get in the game. Your church needs volunteers. Volunteers to help with all aspects of the service. God has gifted you so that you can serve Him.

Be Faithful to God: Be faithful to God by being faithful in all your earthly relationships. Faithful to your family, faithful to your friends, faithful to your word. Treat others as you wish to be treated.

Make your new year's resolutions. And this year, write them down. Keep a copy close by. Check your progress on a regular basis.

May the Living God bless you and your family in 2011 and all the years to come.

Dale O'Neal

About: "Spend almost every September in Ketchikan. Have a two year degree in Theology. "

Received December 23, 2010 - Published December 27, 2010


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Ketchikan, Alaska