SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

KPU Electric to Start Diesel Use for Peak Periods


December 10, 2012
Monday PM

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - Ketchikan experienced a very dry fall and as a result of the reduced rainfall, the water in KPU reservoirs is lower than normal, according to Karl Amylon, Ketchikan City Manager and KPU General Manager.

Quoting a news release, in October 2012, the electric usage in the City and Borough was the highest October in history. Electric usage in Wrangell and Petersburg was also very high. The combined result is that there is not sufficient energy available from Tyee or Swan Lake to carry Ketchikan through the winter.

Weather predictions indicate that Ketchikan will continue to experience cooler weather which, when combined with normal precipitation, will result in reduced reservoir levels.

At the current usage rate Ketchikan has approximately 2 months of hydropower left in the reservoirs stated Amylon.

Beginning Tuesday, December 11, KPU Electric will begin to supplement the hydropower with diesel generation during the peak hours of the day. Diesel power generation will continue until such a time that sufficient water is available in the reservoirs.

During this time, users are asked to turn off unneeded lights and appliances and turn down thermostats when not at home.



Source of News: 

Ketchikan Public Utilities


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Ketchikan, Alaska

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