SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Remembering Hon. Henry C. Keene
By Brad Forbes


December 22, 2012
Saturday PM

Dear Editor,

I simply send this e-mail in respect to all in your fair city of Ketchikan, Alaska.  For what it is worth, I was delighted to see “Capt.” Keene’s You Tube tour and a little history of Creek St.  I’ve looked your city over on You Tube.  Beautiful!

I had the privilege of serving on the C.G.C. Chincoteague WAVP-375 as one of his Quartermasters. (QM3)  in Norfolk, Va. in late 1961-63.  Serving under Capt. Keene was a very good experience which helped me grow up, as they say.  

We did run aground while serving under Capt. Keene.  He had just made Capt., I was on the bridge when our steering casualty occurred. This was as we entered Town Cut, going into St. George,  Bermuda.  Capt. Keene, after things settled down, went below and came back to the bridge with his old Commander Bars on instead. However, he did not loose Capt. status, as it was deemed unavoidable.

I was saddened to hear of his passing, but what a life (90) he left with all who knew him was so positive.

I’d love to say more, but I know Ketchikan is blessed to have known him so well.

Thank you,

Brad Forbes


Received December 18, 2012 - Published December 17, 2012





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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska