SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Gasoline spill in Kake Harbor


December 18, 2013
Wednesday PM


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(SitNews) Kake, Alaska - Saturday, approximately 7,000 gallons of unleaded gasoline reportedly were spilled due to a rupture in a tank’s pipeline in the Kake harbor. The pipeline ran beneath a floating pier and according to the USCG was severed by the pier during tidal changes overnight.

Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and the city of Kake first responders worked together to mitigate the reported spill of the 7,000 gallons of gasoline in the Kake harbor. All vessels were removed from the harbor and local police secured access to the area and holding tank. The local fire department also assisted by using vapor mist to aid in clean up and drive away the fumes.

Watchstanders from Coast Guard Sector Juneau received the report Saturday and the Coast Guard monitored and coordinated response efforts.

“The Coast Guard is providing oversight and coordination of the cleanup to ensure the mitigation of any potential environmental harm,” said Senior Chief Petty Officer Chad Mountcastle, a Coast Guard Sector Juneau command center supervisor. “The coordination between the Coast Guard, city of Kake and Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation resulted in faster dissipation of the spill for the safety of all residents.”

The weather at the time of the incident Saturday was reportedly winds at 20 mph that blew the fumes away from the city. No injuries were reported.

Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews

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Ketchikan, Alaska

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