Sun on a Rain guage By Al Johnson December 09, 2013
Visiting square one is not a bad thing at times to do. With the vote to cease the proposed rain gauge project for the reasons given places the question of a rain gauge replacement back to that square. This is a wonderful opportunity for the community of Ketchikan to demonstrate the ability to disagree and then come to a mutual solution reflecting a successful conclusion to the issue. Granted, given philosophical positions between parties, coming together is often a challenge not easily overcome. Convinced that I am surely branded by various titles and wishes of locations that I might be damned because of the views held as to the reaction the selected art piece drew by opposing supportive community art supports of the proposed gauge is for naught. Being a big boy, those thoughts or desires really don't influence or convince me to retaliate in this or any similar issue unless with selected sarcasm not vile degrading disparaging comments. To date there has been none of that from either side towards the project goal or even in the disagreement of the selection or the process. Really the give and take has been civil in the pubic square a huge plus factor. Should the existing committee involved with this selection choose to create an additional opportunity to apply for and review with recommendations, this author finds no disagreement. A comment made to a mutual acquaintance drew a favorable response. Individually the committee members, known by this writer and that acquaintance, through their community activities, reputations, and civic desires are deemed worthy. That the collective decision by that group then formed for the purpose, made what has been viewed with negative rejection hopefully will be short term in nature with a willingness to fall back, review the level of intensity regarding the boundary of the rejection moving on to reestablish a criteria for a replacement effort. It would be easy and understandable for members of the committee to feel rejected, down trodden, bewildered and other disorientating adjectives, throw up their hands and walk away. That is in this writers opinion is not the desire or a goal. rather it would be wished that it serve as intensive rejuvenation and vigor to reestablish the committee as standing and push on with a continued selection process containing any learned lessons regarding the process. Were the nature of joining committees, attending meetings not compromised by the choice of not driving at night, this writer would attend as a spectator when able. Not being so, it will be a given that future selections and decisions will be made under more reviewable methods which agreement as a spectator, would encourage. A hardy thanks to the committee for your efforts and cheers for your future efforts. Regards, Al Johnson
Received December 08, 2013 - Published December 09, 2013 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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