SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Burning of toxic smelling materials

By Kathy Doyle


December 11, 2013
Wednesday PM

My dear neighbors from accross NTG. (Approximatly mile 10.5), Again today I awoke with my heart pounding and lungs burning. You see that pile of whatever you felt the need to burn today, made bad smoke. Truely not intended to support a long healthy life. My home, which should be a safe smoke free zone, was flooded with your smoke and whatever was carried with it. This has caused me over 12 hours of stressful breathing. Over the years this has been an invasion of my family's home and well being. I can, have and will continue to survive wood smoke. I just see no need for my family and neighbors to have to try to cope with our homes being invaded with trash smoke or any toxic smoke just to save on a dump run.

I am hopping that you and others that enjoy burning hazardus materials would consider what you are doing to others and make an effort to watch out for where your smoke is traveling to. Maybe flood your own home and roof catch water for a change.

Now I am off to try to get this blasted stink out of my home.

Merry Christmas to one and all,

Kathy Doyle
Ketchikan, Alaska


Received December 10, 2013 - Published December 11, 2013


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska