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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Obama Appeasement Weakens U.S.

By Donald A. Moskowitz


December 14, 2013
Saturday PM

Letter to the editor:

Obama and Kerry continue to promote an agenda of U.S. appeasement.

Kerry has played a leading role in formulating and implementing an agreement with Iran to temporarily put a limit on Iran’s uranium enrichment program for six months.  Iran can continue enriching uranium to 5%.  In return Iran gets access to $7 billion in frozen funds, and more importantly, is able to get partial relief from the crippling burden of the economic sanctions.

Although inspectors will be monitoring the temporary agreement, Iran will probably continue a higher grade uranium enrichment program in secret facilities.  As the end of the agreement approaches it can stall and hinder negotiations and ask for the continuation of six month temporary agreements until it has the nuclear weapons.  Iran cannot be trusted.

While Kerry is appeasing the Iranians, Obama is busy appeasing China’s power play in the East China Sea.  China has declared an air defense zone and wants aircraft to notify China if aircraft enter the international air space.  Japan has refused to comply with the demand, but the Obama administration has asked U.S. commercial airlines to make the notifications.

The Obama administration continues to weaken our stature in the world through unbridled appeasement.

Donald A. Moskowitz
Londonderry, NH

Received December 12, 2013 - Published December 14, 2013



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