Build the damn Road By A.M. Johnson December 27, 2013
'Murky' Murkowski said " This is not just about King Cove it is emblematic of the attitude that we all too often in Alaska see from Washington. The idea that Alaska has to be protected from Alaskans is highly offensive, Murkowski said. This administration may be willing to abandon the people of King Cove, but I am not going to give up on them. 'Bagman' Begich said, As soon as Congress reconvenes in January, I ll be introducing legislation directing the federal government to build this vital one-lane road so the residents of King Cove can rely on the same basic access to critical medical care enjoyed by other Americans. 'Fog Horn' Young (R-AK) said the Interior's decision is the largest pile of horse manure ever delivered on Christmas." While the families of King Cove gather together this holiday season, the Interior Department and the Fish and Wildlife Service have been sitting on this heartless decision until the most inopportune time, said Congressman Young. This shameful and cowardly decision by Secretary Jewell, just two days before Christmas, to place eelgrass and waterfowl above human life is exactly what I would have expected from the Grinch, but not from an Administration that preaches access to quality healthcare for all...." Governor Parnell fairs no better with his response to the action. But then he has no Congressional members backing him up other than platitudes and sonatas. "Governor Sean Parnell also expressed his outrage at Interior Secretary Sally Jewell's decision to not allow a lifesaving road between the communities of King Cove and Cold Bay. Calling it a matter of life or death for Alaskans, Governor Parnell has been a strong advocate for the construction of a 13-foot-wide emergency medical evacuation road connecting King Cove and Cold Bay. "[Monday's] decision is unconscionable, Governor Parnell said. This is another irrational decision by the federal government that denies Alaskans access in this case access to emergency e much better. So 'Smart Butt Johnson'- what is your solution? Build the damn road!! Marshall State equipment at the site and announce for humanitarian reason this road will be built. This is Alaska, Alaska has States Rights. These are Alaskan citizens. Their ancestors were here before any of ours. It is the duty of the State to respond and perform what is required to address in a proactive action if need be, rather than continue on with life threatening fears for our citizens. That is what I would do. Cause a major Federal Government vs. State Rights debate? You bet. it is long over due. I would submit that a State taking on the Federal Government, be it Alaska or Idaho, or Montana, or Texas, any State in a manner that brings the suffrage the States have been subject in direct conflict by the Federals towards the U.S.Constitution States Rights (Tenth Amendment) in to public light, particularly with current high contempt the conservative grass roots public is demonstrating towards Obama's 'Kenyan Kare' and the Duck Dynasty controversy is a good, no a great time to challenge the Federal Government. It well may result in Congressional legislative/Supreme court determined 'Battle of the Alamo' scenario. Not to speak to the rumored 32 States who have signed on to a Constitutional review in part, as a result of States Rights being trampled. Just think of the potential Alaska having were the Federal government made to honor the Constitution with regards to State land ownership. Alaska would and could be a self sustaining State without any Federal funds required. A contributor to the National largesse if you would, instead of a receiver of Federal 'Free Ice Cream' and the yoke of tyranny that always accompany the 'Gifts'. What the Federal Government feels so strongly about in terms of overseeing within our State, they can lease from the State at fair market value.. Just saying Building a road to King Cove would be a fine and honorable start to establishing States Rights in all 57 States. (TIC) Regards, A.M.Johnson About: "Old enough to recall the Dalton Highway being built first as an ice road and now a year around road to the Arctic." Received December 26, 2013 - Published December 27, 2013 Related News:
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