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Report on Regulation of Marijuana in Alaska Released


December 04, 2014
Thursday PM

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - Copies of a legislative research report were released yesterday on the legalization and regulation of marijuana.

The 36 page report answers several questions about the impact of Ballot Measure 2 and the differences between Alaska's marijuana initiative and that of other states, such as Washington and Colorado.

Under the new law, the Alaska Legislature has the authority to establish a Marijuana Control Board. Until then, however, the authority for regulating marijuana is vested in the Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) Board. The question of when and if to establish a new Board will be an issue this upcoming legislative session.

Senator Lesil McGuire (R-Anchorage) released the report stating, "I am sharing this information so it can be used to craft the best policy this upcoming legislative session." McGuire said, "Researching and looking to the examples of Colorado and Washington will be tools used in developing our own policies."

"This is a complex issue and although not all of the important policy questions are addressed in this report, I believe it provides a strong start as we face the challenges of upholding the will of the voters of our great State and insuring the safety of our communities," said Senator McGuire.

Senator McGuire will Chair the Senate Judiciary Committee this upcoming legislative session. "As Chair, I plan to keep this process open and collaborative," said McGuire. "It's important that the public stay involved."

If the state regulatory body fails to establish regulations and/or start issuing licenses within the timeframe established by law, local governments have the option of establishing their own regulatory authorities to do so.

Local governments may prohibit cultivation, manufacture, and/or retail sales of marijuana by ordinance or voter initiative. Local governments may similarly enact measures to limit the time, place, manner, and number of marijuana establishments as long as they do not conflict with provisions of the Act.

Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews


On the Web:

Download the 36 page report: Establishing Mechanisms for the Regulation of Marijuana in Alaska LRS Report 15.099


Source of News: 

Office of Senator Lesil McGuire

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