Eighty-sixedBy A. M. Johnson December 15, 2014
I find that your fine online news outlet must be employed to transmit a message to our Alaska Congressional Senator, Senator Murkowski. As the subject line reflects, her office, if not herself, has terminated my access to her office via email. The following is my response and that termination notice. Senator Murkowski, in reading an article this day regarding the upcoming vote on the military budget it was noted that several items of non-military requirement or related have been added to the appropriation bill. As I read the content and the inclusions it brought back a reading of Charlie Wilson's War where Texas congressional Representative Charlie Wilson single handed with assistance as required by supportive elected officials many in high office within the Congress, acquired funds in the millions if not billions in many inappropriate ways and processes in effort to fund the Afgans war against the Russians. A truly noble effort yet a wonderful example of corrupt process. The effort to achieve acquiring additional lands for Sealaska while not related to Funds , via a similar process is a blatant example and is in so many ways evidence of unscrupulous methods and processes that Congress employs to achieve backdoor and dark of the night results for their favorite constituents {Read Big Donators}. Good intent but very questionable methods. Murkowski's efforts to include the transfer of federal land to Sealaska is not a correct effort. The appropriation bill deals with funding our military and the content of that bill should deal exclusively with that intent. To jeopardize or use the military for clever {devious}actions by these methods is just plain wrong! Yes, I am fully aware of past practice over the many years of stuffing legislation such as yours into appropriation bills. Those are wrong as is your effort here. The issue of transferring land to Sealaska should be in a stand alone bill suffering a vote on the merits of the desired goal. To sneak it through as a rider is an admission that the case would not stand the light of day as stand alone legislation . Am I opposed to the intent? No and No! However in my opinion, the efforts should be to transfer ALL federal holdings to the States, save the allowances within the Constitution where the holdings of the federal government are specifically identified. The State of Alaska would deal with the Native issues. Yes, that would take time and during that time efforts to allocate land to Sealaska should continue on an honest field of legislation. This is not that field. I regret that U.S. Sen. Murkowski's office has chosen to 86 my submissions to her office. There remain selected venues to submit to her attention. One employed with this effort to Sitnews. Please Sen. Murkowski, if your intended response is to hold my thoughts in your mind as you vote, do not be disingenuous and insult my intelligence. I can not readily come up with a recent vote that reflected my Thoughts . Regards, A.M.Johnson The truth needs no defenders, no friends, no deals, bribery, mob tactics or coercion.. The truth is what it is. All else is fake. Received December 10, 2014 - Published December 15, 2014 About:
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