Radical Islamic TerrorismBy Donald Moskowitz December 09, 2015
Radical Islamic terrorists killed 14 Americans in San Bernardino, CA; 130 people in Paris; five military personnel in Chatanooga, TN and 13 soldiers in Fort Hood, TX; a soldier in Canada; beheaded journalists and aid workers in the Middle East; killed non-Muslims in Copenhagen, Paris and Tunisia; attacked the Jewish Museum in Brussels, a mall in Kenya, Iraqi Christians, Syrian Christians, 40 churches in Egypt, our embassy in Benghazi, and the Boston Marathon. Thousands of attacks by Islamic terrorists have occurred against non-Muslims, and many thousands have been killed. For attacks since 1990 see www.wikipedia.org and enter List of Islamic terrorist attacks. Islamic terrorists wantonly attack and kill non-Muslims whom they consider infidels. Donald Moskowitz
Received December 07, 2015 - Published December 09, 2015
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