SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Alaska is Cold

By John Suter


December 16, 2015
Wednesday AM

Dear Editor

President Obama is going to send Alaska its share of refugees. Now is not the time to increase cost in the state budget that will incur by bringing in these refugees to the state when the state must do all that it can do to cut cost to balance the budget. A way the state can cut cost is to offer these refugees a free one way airplane ticket with a hand full of cash to fly to another state like California where they have hot dry deserts that is a similar type of country to where they came from and they will feel more at home. They need to know that Alaska is cold by their standards year around and they would not be happy here when they could live in sunny California that welcomes them with open arms of welfare, health care and everything else that they may need.

It is believed that a certain number of these refugees will be terrorist that President Obama will bring into America. The state cannot pay the cost of the damage that the terrorist may cause. So in order to avert further cost to the state, it would be prudent to offer these refugees an option to relocate to another state that they would much more prefer to be in than Alaska. It would be best for them. It would be best for us. The state needs to work for the best interest for everyone and this would be something that would do that. The state needs to find more ways to cut cost and send the refugees to a state that has plenty of money to spend on them.

John Suter
Chugiak, Alaska


Received December 12, 2015 - Published December 16, 2015





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Ketchikan, Alaska

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