Scorched earth loggingBy Joseph Sebastian December 22, 2015
The aerial view of photos of miles long clearcuts covering entire mountain sides, looked like a war zone of stumps and carnage over a vast landscape. It gave one the feeling that Sealaska Native Corporation was murdering the very earth itself. The thousands of acres of continuous clearcuts, leaving no living thing in it's path of mega-devastation, boggled the mind. But it became clear, that this was not forestry, nor logging, no, this is some kind of diabolical crime against life, and nature, This kind of scorched earth logging represents the most debased greed, selfish thoughtlessness and the lowest capabilities of human nature. Oh sure, over time, some sort of spindly mono culture devoid of the most basic elements that make a living forest, will replace the crime now carved into the dirt. But it will not replace the lush timeless forests that were destroyed. There is no future for any living creature, man nor beast, in this type of clearcuts of death, in the Tongass. Shame Sealaska, shame is yours, you have shamed all Alaskans by your actions. Joseph Sebastian About: " 38 year commercial fisherman in Southeast Alaska" Received December 19, 2015 - Published December 22, 2015 Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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