Fear and loathing in the USABy Norbert Chaudhary December 22, 2015
We would be safer they say - if we immediately "carpet bombed" ISIS, invaded Syria, limited the freedom of Muslim Americans and barred all Muslims from entering our country - "at least until we have this thing figured out". I'm sure many Americans have already figured out that our media and many Presidential pretenders are spreading terror farther, faster and better than any terrorist organization ever dreamed possible. And these same fear mongers have done a better job of destroying American values and beliefs than any terrorist attack could ever hope to accomplish. We are tearing ourselves and our country apart as the evil doers are rolling around in their ISIS clubhouse laughing their butts off... How can this be happening in the USA? Hysteria captivates viewers, driving up ratings and fear has long been a control mechanism used by despotic rulers. So expect this rabid FEAR push to continue on what passes as "news" in this country - and then be amplified by those "leaders" seeking power by using fear for their own political gain. And if spreading terror is what terrorists do - then what exactly should we call the behavior of these folks? Perhaps we should consider a complete ban on all talking heads who are spreading terror and attacking the principles our nation was founded upon - at least until we have this thing figured out... Norbert Chaudhary
Received December 21, 2015 - Published December 22, 2015
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