KCC's Historic Christmas programBy Judith Green December 06, 2016 Ketchikan Community Chorus has put together a program that is fun, interesting, informative, and professional. There is the musical director and conductor and the chorus, of course: all local people who gather together to practice together because (?) they enjoy music. Once again we are not disappointed in the wonderful program they present for the community to enjoy. This year's program is very creative. There is "grandfather" surrounded by "grandchildren" as he recounts the history and answers their questions about Chrismas music. There is a string duo, there are soloists, the men's quartet, the "grandchildren's" bell choir. So much to enjoy and learn. There is also a raffle for 2 handmade wreaths. Thank you to each one who had even a small part - oh, yes, the whistler! Judith Green Received December 04, 2016 - Published December 06, 2016 About: "Local supporter of all things artistic, creative, beautiful, encouraging."
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