Tax the RichBy Ken Leland December 04, 2017
It seems to me that I saw somewhere that the top 10% of the citizens of this country pay 70% of the taxes, while the bottom 50% pay nothing. That leaves the other 30% to those of us to pay rest of the bills.Yet we still have a 20 TRILLION dollar deficit! Why not reduce the waste and extra "perks" that the so called "civil servants" are able to vote themselves on the chopping block? It seems to me that there is a tremendous amount of waste and inefficacy built into our system of Government that should be dealt with. They supposedly represent US and are responsible TO US! The only time that it seems to be mentioned is at time for re-election, and then is forgotten after the election is over. We have only ourselves to blame for not paying attention. It has be said that we're too busy dealing with our lives to keep an eye on what's really going on until the bills suddenly come due. Then we whine and complain, but nothing changes. A sad commentary of life today in this land we all love. Ken Leland About:
Editor's Note:
Received November 29, 2017 - Published December 04, 2017 Related Viewpoint:
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