THE DUCHESS LIES AGAINBy David G Hanger December 22, 2017
IT IS ALSO ONE BIG FAT LIE. No taxes of any real consequence are collected on Alaska oil extraction until the price of a barrel of oil reaches $110 per barrel. And all that new oil exploration in ANWR will add half-a-billion to a billion dollars a year in new state tax credits paid out to foreign oil companies. So add all of that to your state income tax bill, soon to come, while in the meantime watching the Permanent Fund rapidly disappear into the coffers of the oil companies. Yes, Duchess Oil-louski has given all Alaskans a wonderful Christmas present, a greased-up stocking full of coal oil. And it will cost you a fortune to clean up the mess while the Duchess and her oil-soaked cronies laugh it up while stealing you blind. David G Hanger About:
Editor's Note:
Received December 26, 2017 - Published December 22, 2017 Related Viewpoint:
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