New Tax BillBy Norbert Chaudhary December 27, 2017
This Stupendous Tax Reform and Jobs Bill is The GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT of any President EVER and I’m proud that Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan and Donald Young were an important part of making this happen. It took incredible courage and integrity for them to completely ignore the severe negative consequences that every major economic analysis of the Tax Bill has shown. Of course we should be thankful that the Big Money Donors and their Lobbyists were there to help hurriedly write this Tax Reform Bill in complete secrecy and then rush a vote on it without any vigorous debate or due diligence. Where would this nation be without the guidance of these unsung Hero's !!? Thanks to Lisa, Dan and Don - not only are average Alaskans able to pass on up to $22 million dollars to their deserving children tax free, we get permanent tax cuts of 40% and are able to bring the billions of dollars we have been hiding in foreign banks (to avoid paying our fair share of taxes) back home. And we get to do this with nothing more than a slap on the wrist! How cool is that!? The best part of this is it doesn’t cost us anything! The $1.5 Trillion plus cost of this incredibly great deal will be paid by the little people! To top it all off, Trump himself announced that this bill will end the end the Affordable Health Care Act leaving millions without health insurance! What a fiscally responsible, kind and caring party we Retrumplicans have going right now! Of course our Retrumplican representatives will do what they can to reduce the huge cost of this by eliminating or cutting “entitlements” like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security but we all know that won’t cover the massive increase in debt this Tax Reform Bill will add. Someone will have to pay for this - but it won’t be us! We will force the Democrats to be the bad guys later (hopefully much later) when they have to raise taxes to pay for our best Christmas Present Ever! Over time, 80% of this tax cut will go to us! We, the deserving 1% that provide the jobs for the masses and the lobbyists of our country. This is a gift that will just keep getting better as the years role by. And let’s not forget the incredible job Lisa had done wrestling ANWR, a National Public Treasure away from the people of the USA and giving it to Big Oil. Private Industry is after all, the most responsible steward of public lands and the Fossil Fuel Industry does truly care about the environment. In Alaska, Big Oil wrote their own tax laws and we all know how well that worked out! Can you believe the State of Alaska is paying Oil Companies to drill in our state! Our stock portfolios go up, our taxes go down and we all get a gigantic tax break on our private jets! Meanwhile down in the swamps of Mar-a-Lago President Trump told his friends just hours after he signed the GOP tax bill that they all just got wealthier. "You all just got a lot richer," Trump said with a smile Friday at a dinner at Mar-a-Lago, two friends at a table near the president told CBS News.” During this Holiday Season - don’t forget to thank the Retrumplicans, a party of The Rich, by The Rich and for The Rich.
Norbert Chaudhary About: Concerned Citizen
Editor's Note:
Received December 26, 2017 - Published December 27, 2017 Related Viewpoint:
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