Tear down the tax wall; Plan for the working classBy Paul LivingstonDecember 31, 2018
Passage of the 16th Amendment, creating the Federal Reserve and Roosevelt’s Square Deal are causes of the problems as they interjected socialism and politics into the science of economic, the allocation of goods and services. The unintended consequences of socialism are more government, an elitist ruling class, inequalities, corruption and a dead end road for the country. Socialism is a problem maker and not a problem solver, a wealth consumer and not a wealth creator. The solution for the working class is to “Tear down the wall of the income/payroll tax system and repeal the 16th Amendment.” End direct taxation along with the IRS, income tax, payroll taxes and tax withholding. Renew our lost civil rights, freedom and liberty. Stop using the tax system to divide us into classes. Remove the taxes on jobs and production (income, savings and investment) as these are what create wealth and a higher standard of living for all. The present income/payroll tax system hurts the working class by eroding the individual liberties of self-interest, division of labor and freedom of trade. Reject politics from the science of economics. The solution for the solution is the FAIRtax bill HR 25. Once you understand the FAIRtax you will demand it! Learn more a bigsolution.org. Paul Livingston About: FAIRtax volunteer since 2005; MBA degree; Peace Corps volunteer; Army 1st Lieutenant
Editor's Note:
Received December 28, 2018 - Published December 05, 2018 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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