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GAO: Forest Service Has Not Complied with LWCF Act

December 23, 2019
Monday PM

(SitNews) Washington, D.C. -  In a new report requested and released last week by Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that the Forest Service has not complied with a provision in the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Act that limits the amount of land the agency can acquire using LWCF money. 

The Government Accountability Office found that between fiscal years 2013 and 2017, the federal government acquired more than 850,000 acres of land in the United States. By law, no more than 15 percent of the acreage the Forest Service acquires using LWCF funds can be west of the 100th Meridian. The Government Accountability Office found that the Forest Service’s acquisition far exceeded that limit, with about 80 percent occurring in the western U.S. 

“This report highlights the need for continued oversight of LWCF and demonstrates that the Forest Service needs to pay greater attention to requirements in the LWCF Act when the agency submits land acquisition proposals to Congress,” Murkowski said. 

The Government Accountability Office’s new report follows one it issued in June evaluating the land management agencies’ implementation of LWCF.

The Land and Water Conservation Fund was established in 1965 to preserve, develop, and ensure access to quality recreational opportunities and is primarily funded from oil and gas royalties raised from Outer Continental Shelf energy development.

Edited By Mary Kauffman, SitNews

Source of News:

Office of U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski

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