Commander Of White House ChaosBy Donald Moskowitz
December 03, 2019
The Commander-In-Charge Of White House Chaos overruled the Navy's decision to demote Chief Petty Officer and Navy Seal Edward Gallagher. Gallagher was convicted of posing with a dead detainee. Trump's rationale was that he was standing up for our military. Trump also overruled the peer review ordered by RADM Collin Green, head of the Navy Seals, and by doing this he is undermining the Navy's chain of command and adversely impacting discipline within the Navy. The peer review would have been conducted by senior Navy enlisted personnel. The Commander-In-Charge Of White House Chaos, who knows nothing about our military, might have Navy personnel in command second guessing their authority, which could be detrimental to Naval operations in the world and could adversely impact our national security. Donald Moskowitz
Editor's Note:
Received December 01, 2019 - Published December 03, 2019 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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