![]() Column I Refuse to Stand By and Accept the Results of the Playoffs! #NotMySuperbowlBy ARTHUR MARTIN
January 26, 2017
In what I now deem (knowing nothing about football) “a stunning upset”, The Atlanta Falcons beat the Green Bay Packers (44-21) to win the NFC Championship and advance to the Superbowl. Meanwhile, the “Deflate Gate” maligned Patriots with Tom Brady triumphed against the Pittsburg Steelers 36-17 wining the AFC Championship and now the two teams will face-off on Sunday, February 5th in Houston, Texas. Just a day before the play-offs however, thousands (perhaps even hundreds of thousands) of mostly women marched in the streets protesting…. Protesting what you ask? I (your ‘umble writer and purveyor of truth) delved into “the interwebz” searching for answers and reasons for why the protests where occurring. In my research, I ran across the trending hashtag, “#NotMyPresident” which seemed to correlate with the “Women’s March” and essentially, the proponents of both the march and the hashtag, where claiming that Trump is an illegitimate President because: 1. Trump is a racist, sexist and “grabbed women by the p....y.” If you know of any other reasons why adult women donned “p....y hats” over the weekend and marched in the streets, please leave it in the comments, but I’m fairly confident those where the main issues. Coincidentally, a bit latter another hashtag “#NotMySuperbowl” started trending on Twitter satirizing the #NotMyPresident hashtag and the protestors. Now, whether you are a personal fan of President Trump or not, you have to admit these following tweets are pretty funny:
Of course, the best type of satire is rooted in truth and brings out the hypocrisy, irony, and the inconsistencies of the satirized. You be the judge, does the hashtag #NotMySuperbowl have a point? Until next time, cheers.
Arthur Martin ©2017 Arthur was originally born in the Soviet Union and immigrated legally to Alaska when he was young. He graduated from Craig, Alaska. Holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Alaska Fairbanks and worked for the Alaska State Legislature for three sessions. Arthur now lives on Prince of Wales Island. He can be contacted at powreport@gmail.com - This column has been edited by the author. Arthur Martin is the Editor of the P.O.W. AK Report Representations of fact and opinions in comments posted are solely those of the individual posters and do not represent the opinions of Sitnews.